About Me

Hello! My name is Jessica Fae Miller. I have been working as a doula since 2014, and have loved every second of it! Just like my parents, I have lived in Northeast Ohio for my entire life, currently residing in Uniontown with Seth, my very-supportive husband; Brody, my step-son; and Emilia, my daughter.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a family and children of my own. When I was 13, my mother was pregnant with my brother, and I read every book on pregnancy, birth, or parenting I could get my hands on! Needless to say, when I became pregnant myself, I had the whole thing planned already.


As is the case with most births, my labor did not go exactly as I had planned. Luckily, my doula was always there for me to lean on (sometimes literally) throughout the entire experience, answering (or helping me to get the answers to) all of the questions I had thought to ask, and thinking of all of the questions I hadn’t. When I did hit those speed bumps and interventions became necessary, I knew my options and felt that my concerns were being heard. When there were additional risks, my doula was able to explain everything in a way which I understood, and so nothing was done to me with which I was not comfortable. My doula also assisted my husband, showing him just what to do to be physically supportive to me, as well as answering any of his questions, too.

After delivering, I felt extremely empowered. I had just accomplished one of the most physically difficult things any human could ever do. My body delivered to my husband and I a beautiful baby girl! I alone built her within me, from two tiny bits of genetic code, and then brought her into this world.

I felt so inspired by the support I had received from my doula that I wanted to get more involved and help other mothers and would-be mothers, too. I started working on my own doula certifications while also taking a job as a Breastfeeding Peer for the Summit County WIC program. Educating others on the numerous health benefits to mother and child of breastfeeding (which I did with my own daughter for just over 3 years), I stayed with WIC until I felt comfortable and confident enough to become the full-time doula I am today.
